These pages contain the most up-to-date information about infected blood compensation amounts. It is also the most reliable place for you to calculate the compensation you might get before you make a claim.
If you were infected with HIV, hepatitis C or hepatitis B through NHS treatment with blood, blood products or tissue, you will receive compensation.
You can also get compensation if you were infected by your partner or by living with an infected person. This works the same way as if you were infected directly from blood products.
These pages are intended to give you a guide to the amount of compensation you may receive.
We understand that the compensation scheme is complicated and some of the information has not been finalised yet. You may also have questions about how your own situation fits into the scheme.
We will keep you up to date with the latest information. When you start your claim, your claim manager will help you understand the compensation you can get and what you need to do.
Interim compensation payment
Your interim compensation amount will be deducted from the overall compensation amount you’ll receive through the Infected Blood Compensation Scheme.
If the infected person has died
If you’re claiming on behalf of the estate of an infected person who has died, their estate will be eligible for the same types of compensation as someone who is alive.
If you are infected and also affected
If you have been infected and have a partner or family member who is also infected, you can make separate claims for compensation as an ‘affected person’.